The change from indifference to an active stance in favour of pilot whale hunting
As a child in the 60’ties we had whale meat (grind) and blubber occasionally, but not often, since no one in the household participated in the whale hunting and slaughter. So probably during my whole childhood we kept within the recommendations from the health authorities that came after the studies of whole Faroese cohorts showing […]
Happy soil day!

Today, Dec. 5th, is the international soil day. A day devoted healthy and fertile soils. The day is proposed by FAO, the food and agriculture organisation within United Nation, realising that soil is not a sustainable resource, when considering the lifespan of human beings. From this follows that if we spoil the land, then the […]
FarGen and James Watson

James Watson and David Micklos Attended the excellent FarGen 2013 conference, where this video was shown (link on the picture or above). This presentation was a compensation as James Watson due to health had cancelled his announced attendance to the conference. An inspiring interwiev. David Micklos, the interwiever, participated at the conference, but in addition […]