The Old Doctrine and the Reformation

Recently, there was an interesting article on the Mariukirkjan website [1]. It is an excerpt from a 1857 travel report by the Italian Catholic priest Mussa, who had a mission area in the Nordic polar regions, meaning Sámi land with Spitzbergen, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Greenland. The excerpt was so interesting that I looked […]
Jumping the pier

The Italian Sunday magazine Domenica del Corriere (The Sunday Courier) had an interesting story from Tórshavn on a British trawler that jumped the pier. Domencia del Corriera ran from 1899 to 1989. In the fifties, it was the largest weekly magazine in Italy with when it was largest circulated 1,3 mil. copies. This number declined […]
Gino Covili, faith, and the image of Francis

The excellent exhibition “Faith and images” at the Faroese National Gallery gives reflections on my own picture gallery. We often tend to value the most inaccessible things, such as the original paintings and drawings, but in this case, it is a reprint of a work of Gino Covili from 1992-93. The title of the work […]
Faroese fairy tales published in Italian language

Faroese fairy tales are special, and different than the fairy tales in Europe. Tey also differ from the well known fairy tales from the other Northern countries. The Faroese legends and fairy tales have not been improved and rewritten and therefore are more pristine than the well known stories from the other Northern countries where […]
Útoyggjafólkatónar, náttúrudrama og koppar

Tað eydnaðist at sleppa út í Mykines til Fólkatónleikastevnuna, men tað var ikki meir, tí mær so líkt, so hevði eg ikki bílagt pláss við Jósup fleiri mánaðir frammanundan. Eykatúrurin kl. 12 var eisini útseldur. “Men,” sigur fryntliga konan í horninum, “vit arbeiða uppá at gera ein túr aftur kl. 14.” – Frálíkt, so eg […]
The Lesson from Grumma Grimhild
A few weeks ago, there was quite a stir at Frælsinum because over a thousand children came to see the play Grumma Grimhild at the bottom of the sea. This is a play that Súsanna Tórgarð and Birita Mohr created based on the legend “The Boy Who Was Taken by the Mermaid”. The play has […]
Nú er alt bara minnir

Vit eru nøkur starvsfólk á Námsvísindadeildini, sum eru farin á stevnu í London um telduútgerð og teldunýtslu til undirvísing. Framsýningin húsast í einum kendum sýningarstaði, nevnt ExCel, sum liggur úti í “Royal Docks”. Hesar dokkirnar hildu uppat at virka í 1981, tí bringjuvirksemi kravdi meira enn hvat henda gamla havnin megnaði. Nú verður plássið nýtt […]
Biophilia kapping! – Gerið tvørfakliga og kreativa framførslu!

Allir skúlaflokkar í miðdeild – luttakið í Biophilia-kapping um vinningar fyri 100.000 krónur Gerið ta bestu tvørfakligu undirvísingargongdina og vísið hana í verki! Lærarar og næmingar arbeiða í toymi, har lærarar gera tvørfakliga undirvísingargongd og næmingarnir fyrireika eina framførslu, grundaða á tvørfakligu undirvísingargongdina. virðisløn er 50.000 kr. virðisløn er 30.000 kr. virðisløn er 20.000 kr. […]
Tølandi marionettdreymamyndir
Tað sum eg higartil kenni til marionettleik er slíkt eg havi lisið í bókum, umframt kanska okkurt stutt brot í onkrum filmi. Tí var tað sera spennandi at byrja ólavsøkuna 2016 við at fara til “Dansa so væl og leingi” hjá Rakel Helmsdal, bæði fyri at síggja hvussu tað tekniskt verður gjørt, hvussu marionettleikur upplivast, […]